Celebrating wonder: a new learning store concept, Wonderlab by Toys“R”Us, opens in North Vancouver.
Toys“R”Us Canada has collaborated with Toronto-based advertising agency Open to create a brand new store concept that celebrates the ‘aha’ moments that happen during play.
On Saturday, June 1, the renowned toy store chain opened its first learning concept store at 1331 Marine Drive in North Vancouver. Named ‘Wonderlab by Toys“R”Us’, this new concept for the company reinforces its role as the expert in educational play. All of the products sold in the store promote learning, discovery, creativity, exploration and role-play.
“The philosophy behind Wonderlab by Toys“R”Us is that playing is the most important part of learning and when kids play they aren’t afraid to experiment and try new things. We want to foster kids’ imaginations by giving them a place to start learning that discovery and exploration happen through play.” said Liz MacDonald, vice president, marketing, Toys“R”Us, Canada.
“Our mandate on Wonderlab included developing the complete identity for the new store, from its name and logo to in-store design elements. To spread the word, we also created a launch campaign comprised of radio, print and Facebook advertising” said Martin Beauvais, Partner, Creative at Open.
“This assignment really played to our strengths: strategy, design & advertising. It’s a privilege to be able to influence and shape a brand like Wonderlab from its inception,” said Christian Mathieu, Partner, Strategy, Open.
Client: Toys“R”Us
Brand: Wonderlab
Creative Agency: Open
Creative Direction: Martin Beauvais
Strategic Direction: Christian Mathieu
Project Lead: Christine Macdonald
Design | Logo and Brand Guidelines: Jessica Carter
Design | Campaign and in-store elements: Jessica Carter and Jessica Rogers
Writing | Radio: Kate Thorneloe
Writing | Campaign and in-store elements: Kate Thorneloe and Laurabeth Cooper
Print Production: Toys“R”Us
About Toys“R”Us, Canada:
Toys“R”Us (Canada) Ltd. is part of Toys“R”Us, Inc., the world’s leading dedicated toy and juvenile products retailer. Toys“R”Us, Canada operates 74 stores across the country. For Wonderlab by Toys“R”Us information visit www.toysrus.ca/wonderlab. For Toys“R”Us store locations and convenient online shopping visit www.toysrus.ca.
About Open
Founded in Toronto by Christian Mathieu and Martin Beauvais, Open is a creative company focusing on strategy, advertising and design. Since its inception in fall of 2010 in Toronto, Open has done work for a range of clients including Environmental Defence, Smythe, Expo, Newad, Bombardier, Casella Wines, Damiva, Bier Markt, Comfree, Okanagan Spring, Toys “R” Us Canada, Evergreen, Old Millwaukee and Cineplex. http://openacreativecompany.com/