Åsk Wäppling started Adland in 1996 to provide a forum where people could bitch, rant and gossip about advertising. It was also a place to collect and archive ads of all kinds for reference and so people could show off their work. Ad-types are such show-offs.
In 2000 Adland was restructured with RSS feeds, user logins, and a nice fat database to become a user-generated advertising community, or a blog, or both. Åsk Dabitch never called it a blog, as she cannot stand the term, but, technically Adland was the world’s very first advertising blog (sorry, Åsk).
20 years later, and Åsk needs a change. She does have a full-time gig, a full-time life, and is looking to pass on Adland to someone who will lovingly take care of it as she has.
Interested? Drop her a note.