Psyop workshop in Cannes

//  06.15.09

Psyop workshop in Cannes

My friends at Psyop are doing a workshop in Cannes. Speakers are Justin Booth-Clibborn, Marie Hyon and Marco Spier. Here are details & I hope to see you there.

Wednesday 24th June at 15:00-17:00

Blurring the line between art and commerce in advertising. An exploration of the process.

This workshop will give the audience an insight into the process and thinking which Psyop goes through on a typical project, from conception, through script development, character design, stylistic explorations, animation tests and previz, editing, rounds and rounds of animation, compositing, creation of effects, and achieving the final look.

Through looking at a few specific projects at different stages, we will interactively involve you in the decisions we make on a day to day basis over the course of a project and how they might effect the final outcome, including looking at stylistic and character references, picking character designs, what to look for in a style frame, how to judge previz and animation, and how it always all comes together in the end!

Psyop has a proven track record of creating some of the most artistic and well designed messages for some of the biggest and most progressive brands in the World including the Cannes Silver Lion winning Happiness Factory series for Coke, the TV incarnation of the Cannes Gold Lion winning Beijing Olympics “Together” campaign for Adidas, Converse’s 100 year anniversary “My Drive Thru” music video & TV campaign, and MTV’s HD showcase “Crow“, they are undoubted masters of putting the a-r-t into AdveRTising.

