Want Some Pure Black Sunshine?

//  03.01.10

Want Some Pure Black Sunshine?

This website, created by Toronto-based digital production studio Lollipop and creative agency Extreme Group for Black Sunshine Coffee, takes visitors on an experience much like a sketchy drug deal. Be careful, make the wrong move and you could get shot.

Atpureblacksunshine.com visitors are invited to step into shadows of the underworld, chartering a flight to a mysterious island to undertake a business deal with a difference. Players who keep their cool and make it past the imposing steel door guarding the entrance to a seemingly abandoned warehouse are tested to the limits as they come face to face with the dealer, his pure organic stash, and a gun-toting gang of hired thugs. Movement through the site takes users from a first-hand look at the various roasts and beans on offer right through to the deal, where they’re connected to an online shop to peruse the goods are available for purchase.

View a video explaining the site here. A press release, including full creative credits, is posted here. pureblacksunshine.com will be FWA Site of the Day on Monday, March 8th (congrats Lollipop!).

