Glossy worked with Red Urban Canada and Volkswagen Canada to promote “The Great Volkswagen Art Heist”, an out-of-home campaign celebrating the launch of the 2012 Jetta GLI.
Beginning in October 2011, pop-up “Performance Art” galleries began to appear in major cities across Canada. The outdoor exhibits featured limited edition, hand-numbered, framed long-exposure light painting photographs created by the 200-horsepower Jetta GLI. While the frames were hung for all to admire, they weren’t hung that securely, allowing more daring admirers to claim the artwork for themselves. “Thieves” shared their steals on Volkswagen Canada’s Facebook page and via Twitter.
Here’s some of the traction: Branding Magazine, Creativity, PSFK, Trend Hunter, Agency Spy, Marketing Magazine, Digital Buzz, Ads of the World, Branding Worth Spreading, Notcot, Joey Tomatoes, Little Black Book, Simply Zesty.