Last night I attended the Evolution of the Music Video, part of Packaged Goods, at TIFF’s Bell Lightbox. As usual, Rae Ann Fera curated a great selection of work. In case you missed it (shame on you), here’s a selection of the work that stood out for me.
Above you can see a new version of the most over-played song of 2012 – Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know”. But this is a new mix, completely made up of versions of the song uploaded to YouTube by fans. Some pretty impressive fans.
Opposite end of the spectrum, is the filmic Spiritualized “Hey Jane”, posted below. You may want to keep a box of tissues handy for this one.
To lift your spirits after that last one, watch this live video. It’s not on YouTube or Vimeo, so I could not embed it – click here to view. It was shot live, in one take, with fan selected “diversions” that the band was not prepared for. The result is super fun. Ghostpoet and The D.O.T. “Trouble”. Love it.
The Vaccines used fans’ Instagram pics to bring “Wetsuit” to life. The result brings the experience of being at the music festival to the viewer (amazing), and it also reminds me that 1980s fashion never went away. Yes, I remember the 80s.
And I must give a shout out to OPC‘s Miles Jay and Jam3 for their Facebook connect music vid for Young Empires’ “White Doves”. The below is a vid that showcases the experience, imagine your pics in it, or try it for yourself here. Miles Jay also did a Q&A at the end with Rae Ann Fera on music vids, technology and narrative.