Glossy partnered with UNION and Mount Pleasant Group to promote QUITBIT. QUITBIT is designed to take the wearer’s lifestyle habits into account and use that information to calculate how much time they have remaining in their life. Once the user’s time is almost up, it sends a notification alerting the person that it is time to start preparing for their final goodbye.
The product is fake but the idea serves to help keep funeral planning top of mind for all demographics, even the younger crowd who may not have ever thought about it. Read the press release.
Here’s some of the traction on the project – Globe & Mail, Ad of the Day on Adweek, Creativity, Campaign, Co.Create, Marketing, Unruly, TrendHunter, AgencySpy, MediaPost, Brand Channel, Daily Dot, PSFK, Shoot, Ads of the World, E Wear Now, Culture Pub, Mobile Marketing, Bandt, Stimulant. Bits and Pieces, MedGizmo, Daily Buzz, Wearable Weekly, Connecting Directors, Live Casket.