Someplace Nice produces heartbreaking PSA for Alzheimer Society
A powerful new PSA for the Alzheimer Society of Calgary and Dementia Network Calgary captures the intimate nature of memory loss.
Created and directed by Andy Ferreira of Toronto-based Someplace Nice, “Forgetting The Past” is a heartbreaking reminder of the emotional and physical tolls degenerative brain diseases take on individuals and their families.
“Our goal was to create an emotive commercial that would move the needle on raising awareness about dementia in the community and the effects it has on families as well as the person with the diagnosis,” said Jill Petrovic, Director, Philanthropy & Engagement, Alzheimer Society Calgary.
In the 45-second spot, a woman is recalling her brother’s experience as a soldier in World War II. As he runs through a forest dodging bullets in a flashback, she struggles to recount details of the story – the timeline, his rank, the nature of his injuries – before giving up.
The tagline appears: “Dementia takes more than memories.”
“I chose to tackle the subject of dementia, as it seems to not garner the rabid response that other diseases do as it’s perceived to only afflict the aged,” adds Ferreira. “The reality is that it cripples entire families as you are forced to watch and physically deal with the process of your loved one losing themselves.”
“Forgetting The Past” is currently appearing online and will be broadcast on regional television stations in Calgary.
Client: Alzheimer Society of Calgary & Dementia Network Calgary
Director, Philanthropy & Engagement (Alzheimer Society of Calgary): Jill Petrovic
Coordinator (Dementia Network Calgary): Kim Brundrit
Executive Director (Alzheimer Society of Calgary): Barb Ferguson
President (Alzheimer Society of Calgary): Ryan Jennings
Production Company: Someplace Nice
Executive Producer: Chilo Fletcher
Director/Writer: Andy Ferreira
DP: Kristofer Bonnell
Line Producer: Adam McCloy
Casting: Jigsaw Casting
Casting Director: Shasta Lutz
Wardrobe Stylist: Sheri Warner
Production Design: Andrew Morton
Editorial: Craftship Media
Editor: Sheenah Jennings
Color + Finishing: Nice Shoes
Colourist: Roslyn Di Sisto
Colour/VFX Assistant: Adrian Gluvakovich
Creative Director/Art Director: Matt Greenwood
Executive Producer: Kristen Van Fleet
Sound Design + Music: Vapor RMW
Audio Creative Director: Brendan Quinn
Sound Designer: Kevin Chamberlain
Audio Engineer: Julian Rudd
Audio Producer: Kailee Nowosad