We are all familiar with missing children on milk cartons, but in a first Lowe Roche and Missing Children’s Network are putting missing kids on postage stamps.
The Missing Children’s Network launches Missing Kids Stamps campaign today, with goals of raising awareness and honouring children and reuniting families.
In time for National Missing Children’s Month, The Missing Children’s Network is launching a grassroots movement that puts the faces of missing children where they have never been before – on postage stamps.
Via a new website launching today – MissingKidsStamps.ca – the network is working to raise awareness – and drive action on behalf of – the children who go missing in Canada each year; and educating Canadians on how their order of these stamps can help in bringing attention to the cause, and hopefully, reuniting families.
“The concept really is ingenious, and inline with our mission. We’ve made a commitment to the families that we work with to use every channel available to us to help them find their loved ones,” said Pina Arcamone, Director General of The Missing Children’s Network. “The postage stamp is so universal, and passes through so many hands each day – it offers a way of paying homage to these children so they will never be forgotten. We were surprised no one had thought to use them in this way before, but more than happy to be the first to innovate in this way.”
MissingKidsStamps.ca, developed by Canadian ad agency Lowe Roche, uses stamp personalization technology to harness the good will of individual Canadians in the struggle to bring these children home. Canadians can now download and use specially tailored photographs of missing children to create individual postage stamps – allowing each visitor to the site the opportunity to send photographs of these missing children to homes, and offices, across Canada, and around the world; and hopefully, into the hands of someone who might recognize them.
As well as helping to raise the visibility of missing children, the site also serves to honour their memory. While on the site, visitors can learn more about some of the children being featured; download an insert that they can add to their own mailings telling others about the program; or, because so much of today’s correspondence is electronic, get an ‘e-signature’, allowing visitors to add Missing Kids Stamps to their e-mails and other e-correspondence – making sure that everyone has the chance to participate.
“When all is said and done, this initiative is about bringing home as many missing children as we can, and honouring those who are still missing,” said Monica Ruffo, CEO of Lowe Roche. “We bring our skills to bear for clients everyday on a variety of business issues; but here we really saw a place where we could potentially make a very tangible difference. It’s innovation for good, and something we’re so proud to be a part of.”
People can start making Missing Kids Stamps starting May 1st by visiting MissingKidsStamps.ca. As well, pre-ordered books of stamps and information about the campaign will be available at Missing Children’s Network events happening throughout Missing Children’s Month in Quebec throughout the month of May.
About Missing Children’s Network
Founded in 1985, The Missing Children’s Network is the only organization in Quebec whose mission is to assist parents in the search for their missing child and to contribute, through comprehensive prevention programs, to a decrease in the occurrence of children disappearing.
Since its inception, the organization has helped recover over 870 children. The Missing Children’s Network exists thanks to the support of individuals, businesses and foundations and does not benefit from any government subsidies for its operations.
For more information, please contact:
Jonathan Daly
416.927.9794 x 201
Pina Arcamone
Project: Missing Kid’s Stamps
Client: Missing Children’s Network
Creative Agency: Lowe Roche, Toronto
Executive Creative Director: Sean Ohlenkamp
Group Creative Director: Mark Mason
Group Creative Director: Jane Murray
Designer: Joel Derksen
Illustrator: Jennifer Duong
Producer: Neal Owusu
Music & Sound Design: Keen Music
Strategic Planner: Jonathan Daly