For the fourth year in a row, glossy has promoted an Instagram-based campaign for the Toronto Silent Film Festival. For this year;s campaign, Toronto-based creative shop Red Lion created an Instagram Escape Room to promote the festival.
The escape room is a fully interactive experience where users have to solve clues, find hidden film reels, and unscramble the secret code in order to escape. The entire experience uses a panoramic photo filled with hidden clues and movie props. When the user clicks on any frame, it turns into a POV video where they see themselves searching that area of the room. Each reel contains one letter. Those letters can be combined to create a secret code. There’s only one code that opens the door, so you need to find all seven letters to escape. Read the press release here.
Here’s some traction on the campaign: Adweek, The Awesomer, Campaign, Motionographer, Strategy, Applied Arts, Shots, Trend Hunter.